The Internet has changed in a lot
since 2002 when we first stepped foot into the Internet Marketing world.
Let's take a closer look at what the
Internet is today and what you should be careful about when entering the NEW
In essence, what is the Internet? It
is the interconnection of millions of web pages. These pages are intertwined
through links. These pages contain content, or in short form words. They
are essentially a jumble of words.
Over the years, the Internet has
also become gamed more and more by marketers and companies looking to
capitalize from these words. Really, words equate to getting listed in Google
(either paid or free) so if you can figure out how to get ranked under desired
words, you can benefit from it financially.
This is fine and there is a reason
why people should be allowed to get their web pages, articles, blogs, or social
page listed within the search engine. People should also be allowed to profit
from it.
However, the quality of content on
the Internet is pure "garbage". Some sources have said up to 90% of
all content out there on the world wide web is completely unreliable,
misleading, or just a waste of your time.
Google has caught on...and in a
If you write poor quality content
now or if you try to trick Google into listing you under a keyword, you will
get SLAMMED. Companies like Google that serve content are getting tired of
support pages that may be relevant in terms of keyword content, but offer no
quality or informational value.
People are starting to get slapped
with new rules and policies from almost every direction...due to new rules that
companies like Google, Squidoo, EzineArticles and Bing are implementing. Even
the FTC has taken measures to prevent bloggers from not letting people know
that they are receiving perks for giving good reviews...something that has gone
on far too long and has been misleading to blog readers.
That is why we think this is the age
of "writing with a passion".
We asked you to list 3 interests. You should have these written down now, and we are
going to ask you to pull these out. The reason is, you are going to start
writing about these niches!
Have you ever tried to write about
something that you are not interested in?
It sucks, doesn't it? It is
very hard, tedious, and frankly, your quality is not the best simply because
you don't care.
That is why we recommend that your
starting point in online business is to write with a passion. Write what
you are interested in...And venture into the niches that you can talk about
with ease (or that you can research to get to that point).
Next, we are going to get our hands
dirty writing actual articles (content)!
Expand Your Learning
Writing about something you are
passionate about is a great way to get your feet wet with Article marketing and
Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a term that refers to
creating content that the search engines like.
An optimized website starts with the
writing. You can get virtually unlimited free traffic if you know how to create
optimized content. In OBS we have training that focus on optimizing your
content for the search engines and other valuable topics.
Writing passionately will engage
your readers and get them to purchase what you are selling, however to get
those people to your site/article/blog in the first place you need to optimize
the content. We teach this here...
What kind?
White chocolate...milk chocolate,
dark chocolate, truffles, mint chocolate?
This may
seem completely off the wall, but we are going to use "chocolate" as
the niche example for writing articles. The reason we are doing this is
that we want to prove that any "niche" can be a good one...
First things first though...
Over the past couple of years, the
Internet is changing from "any content is fine", to "quality
content with informational value is what we really want".
It is going to take some time for
the marketing industry as a whole to really catch on to this, so if you can
keep ahead with your marketing efforts, you will be ahead of the game! People
tend to get stuck in their ways...spinning articles aimlessly, building landing
pages and review pages based on rehashed information that is already out
there...and spamming the search engines by injecting keywords aimlessly into
their pages.
C’mon people. Think of everything
you do as offering value to the person that will see it. Actually, how
about this. Think of every action you do online as you are the
customer. If you went to your page, article or social network page would
you see value? If you answer is NO, then you need to work on your
Here are some tips on offering
Quality Content:
- If you write an article, offer value to the consumer.
Offer tid-bits of information that the person could use right away.
- If you create a landing page, don't just plug a keyword
in the headline and get into a couple of reviews. Offer informational
value based on the keyword you are targeting...then mention some products
that may help them further their knowledge or provide a solution to their
- If you create a blog or site geared towards SEO, make
sure your content makes sense. Make sure your content is interesting,
unique and offers informational value.
- If you create a Facebook group promoting something,
offer some value. People don't want to become part of a spam group or
become part of something that is not meaningful or honest.
Now we are going to take a look at
some articles others have written out there. CHOCOLATE ARTICLES!
For this, we go to a couple of the
top article directories online. Directories that allow people like you
and us to submit articles to, and ultimately, allow us to take advantage of
their page rank in Google to get our articles listed.
These are:
The awesome thing about these
directories is that you can write an article targeting a particular keywords,
put your website link at the end of the article, and within a couple of days
you can get a ranking in Google...thus getting targeted traffic.
These are easily articles that you
could have wrote!
What if we told you that you could
Well, you can.
Using Rapid Writer...a content
generation tool within OBS. With Rapid Writer you can analyze your
articles as you write them to make sure they are the correct
"keyword" density to get listed in the search engines, and we love to
help you.
Ideally, you want to have 1-2%
keyword density within your articles. Without counting each word and
dividing it by each instance of your target keyword, it is going be very time
You know this article is ready to go and ready to be submitted to an article directory for MAX performance. This only took a few seconds, but saved a ton of time.
Get instant access to Rapid Writer within OBS!
If you write an article and submit
it to a "Popular" website such as "", your
article will live on this domain and inherit the popularity of that entire
site. This will give your article a head start by being listed on the top rank
site, thus getting spidered frequently by the search engines.
Here is the criteria you want to
follow for writing a good article:
- 400-500 words in length
- 1-2% keyword density
- Unique Content (you wrote it)
- Interesting (remember there are real people reading
If you can check off each of these
points each time you write an article, you will be well on your way to success.
You have the keywords, you have your
passion, time to write.
Expand Your Learning
When writing content you need to
provide valuable information that will help your visitors. If you write for the
sole purpose of selling something, people will have no reason to continue
reading your content.
Did you know that you only have 5
seconds to engage your visitors before they leave your site? People do a quick
scan of your page to see if it looks interesting and in that first 5 seconds
they will read very little content. In fact, it is quite common for people to
only read the headline, and first few words of your first paragraph before
making a decision to click the back button in their browser and leave your
Optimizing your content so that
people continue reading is plays a leading role in whether or not you will
succeed in selling products or services as an affiliate.
This is the kind of education that
you will get at OBS. Not only will you learn how, why, and who to write content
for. We'll show you exactly how to optimize your content so that when people
visit your website, they make a decision to stay and read the entire page.
You don't get this kind of training
anywhere else online!
There you are, eager to
succeed. Heart racing a mile per minute, ideas flying through the brain
quicker than it takes to blink, and things are really looking up.
You find out you need a websiteto succeed online! The problem even with article directories these days is that
you need a website in order to make money.
The make money part comes in your
ability to promote someone else's product (as an affiliate), promote your own
product, or earn money from ad revenue. In order to sell your product or
an affiliate product these days, you need your own website.
IN FACT, and no longer allow affiliate links. Google Adwords no
longer allows direct links either.
This is the direction the Internet
is headed.
We have great news though...
A website does not have to be
tough. Most marketers are for some reason scared of the word
"website" and fear the day that they will have to build a site on
their own!
Anyone can now build a
website. As technology has improved and become cheaper, so have the
website building tools. In fact, there are now ways you can build web
pages for free!
Building web pages is now also very
easy. You don't even need your own domain to get something up and running
in minutes (yes, M-I-N-U-T-E-S).
So, what are these secret tools that
we use to build sites?
Here is a list of some FREE
website/blog tools that you can use:
You can use any one of these tools
to get a web page up in minutes.
One Important Point We Want to Make!
Using a free website builder has its
limitations. It can actually lead you in the wrong direction.
Sure, it is fine when you start out;
however, you are giving up entire control when you have a website that is on a
domain that is not owned by you.
That is why we recommend you get
your own website, your own domain...this way you can put yourself in the driver’s
seat. You can control which direction you want to go, what sort of coding
you want on your site, which sort of content, what sort of tests, and put your
OWN ads (instead of these companies) on your site.
So how do you obtain this control?
Well, there are ways to do this
manually. You need your own website builder, you need your own web
hosting, and you need to buy a domain...switch DNS, FTP your files, upload,, stumble, punch....
Calm down...we have invented a much
easier way to do things.
OBS comes a' knocking' again.
We don't mean to beat our own drum, but we can help you get your own website up
in OBS. Here is an example of the site you can have up and
running on your own don't need to know HTML, you don't need to
know how to FTP, and you don't even need to be smart!
We provide the hosting and the easy
to use wizard to create the site. So the only thing you need to worry
about is the content and maybe going to grab a coffee (or glass of wine,
depending on your mood).
These sites are 100% optimized for
article directories, SEO and even Pay-per-click marketing!
Today's tasks for you:
(1) Build a site either using a free
technology, or with OBS
(2) On that site, include affiliate
links (from Clickbank or otherwise) that are relevant to your article
(3) Link to your website within your article
(3) Link to your website within your article
Expand Your Learning
We need to be honest with you.
Without a website you will not succeed online as an affiliate in today's
Internet marketing realm. You need a platform that will allow you to build a
website quickly, easily, and without having to learn a boat load of technical
At OBS, we recognize that for even the
most advanced Affiliate, building a website is the single most time consuming
and cumbersome task that exists.
Now you can do something that you
can't do anywhere else online. Our exclusive website creation process allows
you to get a fully scalable website up and running in literally minutes.
Content is what you want to focus on
as an Affiliate, and this is what we allow you to do! We handle setting up your
website for you, on our own hosting servers, with your own domain, and without
the hassle of doing this all manually.
- No hosting fees
- No messing around with HTML
- Focus on writing Content
- SEO optimized
- PPC optimized
- Web sites ready for you in minutes
This system alone is worth hundreds
of dollars a month as it will allow you to get up and running in minutes,
rather than weeks. You can then focus on writing content that makes your
visitors want to purchase.
If you are a beginner, this system
is for you...
If you are an advanced marketer,
this system is also for you...
Even the most accomplished and
successful Internet marketer will use this revolutionary new system on a daily
Don't miss out on this opportunity.
We want to give you a brief overview
of PPC here...and a lot of our training at OBS covers beginner to advanced PPC
tactics, but we typically don't recommend PPC when starting out.
Reason being, you are risking
money...and if you don't know what you are doing, you can lose money quickly.
In saying this, Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Advertising is one of the most reliable ways to make money online. Once setup
correctly, you can allow your PPC Campaigns to continually drive qualified
traffic to your web sites. The key to being successful in PPC advertising is to
make sure that your expenses are less than your revenue.
It really is just simple math.
Your goal is to spend less in advertising costs (click charges), than you
earn. Your earnings could be through affiliate programs, CPA programs, and
lead programs or through your own product.
Let's take an example here.
Say you are advertising under a keyword
that costs you $0.50 per click.
You are selling an affiliate product
on your website that pays you $30 per sale.
To break even within this
campaign, you need to make a sale every 60 clicks ($30 / $0.50). Any
conversion rate better than 1:60 will earn you positive revenue, or a positive
ROI. Anything less than 1:60 will earn you negative revenue, or a
negative ROI.
Successful PPC marketers earn A LOT
of money online. The great part about a successful campaign within the
PPC world is that once you set up a profitable one, it will typically continue
to remain profitable. This is because the traffic is predictable and the
conversion rates typically remain stable across most industries.
To succeed with PPC Marketing, you
need to understand several principles starting from setting up your PPC
accounts, to research aspects (keyword, audience, and product), campaign
creation, landing page creation, and analysis and testing.
This is how the PPC process flows...
Step 1: Choose a niche
Step 2: Research that niche and come up with targeted keywords.
Step 3: Create a relevant web page to the exact keyword you are
Step 4: Create an ad group containing these keywords within your
paid advertising account.
The are several PPC networks out
there. The top 3 networks that come with our highest recommendation are:
These networks hold 95% of the
search audience online, with Google close to 70%! These are the only PPC
networks you need to consider!
Step 5: Analyze your results, refine your campaigns, then REPEAT!
If you have ever heard the term
"millionaire marketer", it is likely that this referred to someone
that was a PPC marketer. There are risks involved with PPC however as you
are investing money to hopefully making money and we do recommend that you
start with Article Marketing if you are just starting out.
Ready to learn about CUSTOMERS?
The people who drive your
Expand Your Learning
Quality Pay-per-click training is
hard to come by online because you will find that many of the people who are
teaching you do not have real life experience. If this shocks you, then perhaps
you haven't joined other programs that teach Internet marketing.
We have been marketing online for a
combined 18 years and have spent millions of dollars on pay-per-click
marketing. What this means is that we "practice what we preach" at OBS.
Have you heard the old saying
"those who can't do, teach"?
Unfortunately the Internet is
plagued with programs and services that claim to teach you how to earn money
online. In most cases, the people who claim they can teach you how to succeed,
have never succeed themselves as affiliates. Sure, they may make a buck or two
training people, but that is where all their earnings come from.
We know what it takes to build
sustainable businesses with pay-per-click marketing. We know all the tricks and
techniques, the do's and don't's that cannot be learned unless you yourself
succeed with PPC marketing.
This is why an education at Wealthy
Affiliate University is so valuable to you.
Bottom line, we teach you from